Maisha Sapp (Author M.S.Woodley)
2 min readSep 26, 2021


“You are one smart cookie”. You can learn a lot from a baker….. MSWoodley CEO/Founder of theuglycookies.

In my latest book “ JACKIE OF ALL TRADES MASTER OF …” ( 5 part series including a workbook).

The book insightfully reveals the functionality of words. I mean — after all, what does it truly mean to FAIL and how the meaning functions differently — depending on how you are racialized.

Rachel Hollis with Jay Shetty on Instagram, her definition of Failing.

Racialized “the ways in which language is used to colonize, racialize, and commodify the other…Robin Diangelo

The book series further explores how transformation, is liberation. Liberation comes about when- one is freed... By getting clear- on how words function internally and externally -for social evolution includes the disruption of old standards — -including language. By actively identifying the rules of engagement, transformation occurs when one can objectively identify -

the distinction between the various ways language functions-in society, what has been the ingredients, upholding the rules of right vs wrong and good vs bad, opposed to —

what is true to you — — “functionality”, decomposition — and redefining words;

Unpacking the impact, is a part of the healing process, for those who have been impacted by the very words that serve others more effectively.

The distinction is evident in observing the functionality of WHITENESS- opposed to the functionality of ANTI-BLACKNESS. We observe some of these distinctions in the book.

The spirit of Black Entrepreneurship — -particularly #African American Entrepreneurs, is dependent on the ability to transcend - redefine words and how they function.

Get your copy of “The Jackie of all trades master of …” on amazon

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Brooklyn New York



Maisha Sapp (Author M.S.Woodley)

"ADHD*ish" offers a refreshing perspective on ADHD, by blending personal insights with unconventional wisdom for personal and business success.