
Decision Tree LLC
  • How decision making got me out of a huge life altering crisis
  • Disrupting Status Quo because social evolution …is not so social
  • Cultural relevance the untapped source

How decision making got me out of a huge life altering crisis

It was May 2009 a mysterious man in regular civilian clothes, pulled back that pale colored Emergency room curtain- to tell me what was going on in my back; spine.

But — before he dove in, he wanted to find out a little bit more about me. Why did I think — — that I was in the ER? He also asked me if I conceived recently- had a baby. I mean, he basically read my body from the inside out. What he was also doing was creating a narrative. A storyline, after all — he’s the expert. The data was there, the MRI was all the proof he needed to go forth with his plan. How he defined a successful surgery — The goal

Make it off of his surgery table. That was the goal. Soooo-

What I had to do next, was life altering — because I wasn’t signing off on his plan for me. I had to initiate warp speed decision making, that changed how I would forever associate with data- you know, “the narrative of man.”

Disrupting Status Quo because social evolution is …not so social

Decision Tree, views the Gini index as very incomplete — yet beautiful informational tool, ( it is always beautiful to know where you stand- whether it is right or wrong is besides the point). The Gini Index, you know, the data that focuses on the inequalities — wealth disparities and other gaps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient

Social evolution, is not actually so social — literally keeping people out of the conversation due to the dominate perpetuation of a particular (say that ten times fast) narrative. It has to always come from a particular narrative- which is the narrative of the standard dominate culture narrative. No one else can place a bet — which is not from the same pool of bets, or standards. So the whole premise of this data is one dimensional- even when it is demonstrated as two and three dimensional graphs. Not only does more diversity need to be at the table when decisions by the “experts” are made- Different entry points will make a world of a difference as well. Not wanting the narrative to change is what impacts “Status Quo” the most. You cannot measure what you cannot see, you cannot measure what is not on your radar- to measure — -which leads to missed opportunities — like a mother fucker.

Cultural relevance the untapped source

Decision Tree, is art meets economics. Exploring, tapping — provoking those relevant elements that were left off- seen as valueless— due to a variety of stagnations; systemic conditions, appropriation, assimilation — -

Whatever the hell, I digressed. With my particular racial heritage — Whether it’s #African American today or #Black tomorrow — the binding American laws — are still very immersed in Jim Crow legalese and of the experiences of the Negro -no matter how you dress it up.

Let a Doctor of American law come in and explain to you the prognosis of the Negro experience over the next few hundred years or so. How you should show up — what to expect, the trajectory- all with good intention. You may experience physiologically what it feels like to be choked out — way before someone’s hands are around a neck. Social Evolution, is not so social- for marginalized groups; A disservice on so many levels. FTT failure to thrive impacts the whole not just the people you think are suffering- you know, the ones labeled miserable ( miserable is a category on the Gini Index- that is a thing now)

Decision Tree cultivates exploration. Leaning in hard with What if ?Pokes, dissects — possibilities, whatever the imagination can carry- What are those things? It is different for different people. An introspective approach to adding value to your market, life and culture. This in itself is a #cultural add. As a result data changes. Experiences change. Decision Tree’s tagline…when you hit it from different sides, you affect the effect.

Maisha Sapp Woodley



Maisha Sapp (Author M.S.Woodley)

"ADHD*ish" offers a refreshing perspective on ADHD, by blending personal insights with unconventional wisdom for personal and business success.