
you can just say

Ashe then walk away...

nothing else is needed.

This phrase — a simple gesture of kindness-

meaning “ conceive the power to make things happen and produce change”.

A very necessary change especially around healing.

When our Black friends, peers are discussing their trauma experiences in their content,

acknowledge who they’re being in the moment and keep it moving.

If you are aware of your whiteness — please

feel free to order the book from Amazon.

Share it with folks in your life who are simply “ less aware” — you know

because being aware of the impact of systemic racism and how whiteness plays out — it has levels.

awareness has levels.




Maisha Sapp (Author M.S.Woodley)

"ADHD*ish" offers a refreshing perspective on ADHD, by blending personal insights with unconventional wisdom for personal and business success.